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Poem Adapted from The 23rd Psalm – Earl Ray Brewster

23rd Psalm Poem – Earl Ray Brewster

The Lord is my own shepherd kind
So no want shall I ever know
Rest & Refreshment i always find,
Through pastures green I ever go

He also is my Leader when
Beside the waters still I lie
And he restores my soul again
to His bosom I can always fly

In the paths of righteousness too,
For the sake of His dear name
He’s with me the darkest valley through
Even through death He is the same

So I will never fear an ill,
Since though art always near
Since thy rod & staff they comfort still
I have nothing now to fear

A table’s prepared for me by thee
In the presence of enemies bold
With oil thou ever anointest me
Thy goodness can never be told

So with this Shepheard so kind & good
Goodness & Mercy shall always come
I shall never be misunderstood
And I will ever have home