Dear Rosie: I am not observing a special date this time, but am writing because something especially good has happened to me during the past week. I was called back to Manila to be with the Naval hospital unit that I had left over 2 years ago. It came out of a clear blue sky & was a very pleasant surprise. It is the next thing to coming home & I hope I can stay here until I do start home. The Protestant Chaplain here is sick & they sent for me to take his place. I hope I will be a good pinch-hitter – & I am enjoying it very much. I got several letters here, and although this batch didn’t include any of yours – I know it is not because you have not written. There were 3 from mother – 1 which included notes from mother & dad Traver and Norma, 1 from Pearl, Mrs Hanks D.P. Freeman, & Alkire. The latest was Aug 20, 1943. I have been told I have later letters here being censored – so I am looking forward to them. Things look much better here and I am very hopeful. I am feeling better – not that I was sick – but I am getting rested up after sleeping on a bed for the first time in 2 years & having a shower. But most of all – being with the Navy and old friends again. It is really hard to express – in fact, I am having a hard time getting back to earth. Don’t know what I’ll be like when I get home – but hope I will at least be able to answer your questions – & of course I’ll have plenty to ask you. Writing is so unsatisfactory – as it has always been for us. However, I hope to do a little writing – with your help – after I get home. We are missing a great deal – but we will both have more to contribute and I think we can both more than make up for lost time. I hope my boys haven’t grown too far away from their dad. I have some great plans that I can hardly begin to tell you about – but I hope that I will prove to be a better husband, father, son & minister as a result of these experiences. I would like to be able to consider staying in the Navy – if it meets with your approval. Not that I want to be away from home any more – in fact I want a home more than ever now – and I am looking forward to that great day.
Always, Earl
August 1, 1944 – To Rosie (back from Manila)

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