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April 12 (1944) – Leland’s Birthday

1944 WWII POW Journal Entry – Earl Ray Brewster

Well, son, I have just written you one of the cards we are allowed to send every two or three months. Hope you are getting them and that this one reaches you before too long.  I was certainly glad to get the letter from you and Rosie, which I got just about a year after it was written. Also, about a week later I got a letter from Pearl. So glad to hear you all are all well. I was very much interested in your concert & your going to Pomona last summer. I am anxious to hear how  you got along.  Also interested in Rosie’s working. I was surprised, but glad to hear you were still in Coronado – I thought maybe you had gone to L.B.  I have great hopes of our having a home of our own in L.B – even have tentative plans for a house. In fact, I have a lot of plans I want to talk over with you guys.   For one thing – we are going to take a 3 month’s trip though the “states” – and “see America first”!  Hope you have joined the sea scouts and that you aare reading aloud regularly, which I think will be good for you speech.  I Have a reading group here – men whose eyesight is bad – to whom I read every day.  They seem to appreciate it – and it does me good .  With church services, visiting the sick and working some in the fields – I don’t have much time on my hands – which is a good thing – for I get plenty lonesome for you guys as it is but it is probably harder for Rosie than for me – so we boys must keep our chins up & make the most of things until a better day.  Then we’ll have some great times together – Pop.