Cabanatuan Prison Camp
Oct. 22 1942
Rosie, Dear, Just a thought or two – just in case something should happen to me –which I do not anticipate – but it won’t do any harm to have a few things in black & white.
1.If the worst should happen, I figure you would have the following financial resources:
a. Several Hundred Dollars back pay which I haven’t drawn –this includes 10% pay increase for Asiatic Duty & a possible increase on account of promotion
b. At least $1000 (6 months of advance pay)
c. Around $40 a month for the rest of your life, from the $10000 government insurance
d. About $30 a month for life from Navy Mutual Aid Insurance
e. $30 Government Pension
f. $500 Benefit from Conference
g. Small widows benefit from conference
This is not too much, but enough to keep you out of the poor house. Perhaps you could get a little place somewhere – maybe in L.B [Long Beach] Of course such things would have [ed. top of page states “To be delivered by Lieut Marion Taylor – my very good friend”] to depend on your good judgment if either dad or mother Traver should pass out of the picture, would expect & want the other to live with you (or us – when I get back). Although I think it not best for them both to live with us (it might be OK for them to be with you). I would insist on our home being the home of either one that might be left. Cabanatuan Prison Camp
Also – if anything should happen to Harry I want Norma to live with us. I would count it a privilege to have her as a member of our family. It might help to make up for some things she has had to contend with –and I’m sure she would be good for us and the boys.
You will understand honey that I’m not trying to dictate to you – but simply letting you know some things I have been thinking about. We(?) have not written regularly here – tofore(?) (except the verses herein) because because, we have understood that it was not safe – but now I am going to include somewhat of a running account of the highlights which I started on the first page – on Dec 15. Turn to page 73