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Spanish Notes

Chaplain Brewster canvas journal 3 WII POW

I’ve started the transcription for this section but I’m hoping others can help out by transcribing what they can from the images below and posting it in a comment – then I’ll place it in the post itself. Thank you!

Untitled (Spanish Notes)

La Mitad = ½; un tercio = 1/3

Un cuarto = ¼ unquinto = 1/5

Sexton = 1/6

Doble = double; trple = triple

Quadruple = quadruple

2 veces 2, etc. 2 x2

Suelto = change (money)

Demaciado = too much

Despacio = slow

Esferico(a) = spherical

Redonda(o) = round (ovalado = oval)

Platano = banana

Tampoco = neither (contrary of tambien)

Hojas = leaves

Raiz = root (raices)

Ramas = branches (ramos = things)

Corteza = bark

Semilla = seeds

Sembrar = to bury

Parecer = to be/like

Vale mas = worh more

No vale nada = worth nothing

Vale tanto como phata = worth it’s weight in gold

Manzanas = apples

Uvas = grapes

Cerezas = cherries

Melocotón  = peach

(ed: unfinished)